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Can the CRON conditions be changed while Robo-FTP is running?
Tags: CRON, crontab.txt, scheduling, Robo-FTP
Last Updated: 2021-03-12
My "crontab.txt" file is designed to run three scripts in sequence at 3:30PM. Unfortunately, when I run the script, I only see the first script run and the other ones are discarded. What is wrong?
Tags: crontab.txt, CRON, scheduling, Robo-FTP
Last Updated: 2021-03-18
I'd like to see an example of how to use the CRON command.
Tags: CRON, Robo-FTP, scheduling
Last Updated: 2021-11-26
Does Robo-FTP work with the Windows Task Scheduler?
Tags: CRON, scheduling
Last Updated: 2021-11-17
How do I schedule a script to run on the first Monday of every month?
Tags: CRON, Crontab, scheduling
Last Updated: 2021-11-26