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I'd like to see an example of how to use the CRON command.

NOTE: The CRON command still exists in Robo-FTP 3.10 and later. However, we recommend using Robo-FTP's new built-in scheduler that provides a simple graphical user interface for scheduling. You can configure the scheduler from the "Scheduler" page in the Robo-FTP Configurator.

See the Help file for detailed instructions on using the built-in Robo-FTP Scheduler.

The following is an example of how to use the CRON script command. It consists of a "master script" which is the script that Robo-FTP will run. Also, there is another script that Robo-FTP will call whenever the scheduled event fires. Finally, there is the "crontab.txt" file itself which creates an event that will fire at 5PM every weekday (Monday through Friday). So, create three files as shown below:

The Master Script (name it "master.s")

PERFORM %nextcmd

The Called Script (name it "called.s")


The Crontab File (name it "crontab.txt")

# Example crontab file
0 17 * * 1-5 call "called.s"

After creating these files, save them in the Robo-FTP home folder (probably "C:\Program Files\Robo-FTP X.X").

If you are using Robo-FTP 3.8 or later, use the following directories instead of the Robo-FTP home folder to store the above files:

master.s → C:\Program Files (x86)\Robo-FTP 3.10\ProgramData\Scripts
called.s → C:\Program Files (x86)\Robo-FTP 3.10\ProgramData\Scripts
crontab.txt → C:\Program Files (x86)\Robo-FTP 3.10\ProgramData\Cron

Replace "3.10" with whatever version of Robo-FTP you are using.

Launch Robo-FTP with the "master.s" script file. At 5PM, a message box saying "Hi!" will pop up. Use this same outline for any scheduled operation when you are using the "crontab.txt" with file CRON command.

See also:

Can the CRON conditions be changed while Robo-FTP is running?

Article last updated: 2021-11-26

Tags: CRON, Robo-FTP, scheduling