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Unable to create the RoboFTPAutomation.Automate object

If you are executing .NET code, you might see this error:

Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {29BC35AD-21F2-4AC8-9E70-65F1BABA40F9} failed due to the following error: 80040154

You may see this error when creating an instance of the IAutomate COM interface. This usually means you are trying to create it from a 64 bit execution context. If this is a .NET application, go to the build section of the project properties and set the target platform to x86 to fix the problem.

If you are running VBScript (wscript.exe or cscript.exe) then you might see this error:

ActiveX component can't create object RoboFTPAutomation.Automate

You may see this error if you are running the 64-bit version of the script engine. Make sure you run the 32-bit version of the script engine, which is in the C:\Windows\SysWoW64\ directory.

Another cause for this error is RoboFTPAutomation.dll not being registered with Windows. This can be done using the full path to RoboFTPAutomation.dll. If you are running 3.10 or later this can be found in

<Path to your Robo-FTP installation folder>\Serengeti.Robo-FTP.SxS\RoboFTPAutomation.dll

Prior to 3.10 it could be found in

<Path to your Robo-FTP installation folder>\RoboFTPAutomation.dll

Open a command prompt as Administrator and run the following command:

 regsvr32 <Full path to RoboFTPAutomation.dll>\RoboFTPAutomation.dll

For example

regsvr32 C:\Program Files (x86)\Robo-FTP 3.10\Serengeti.Robo-FTP.SxS\RoboFTPAutomation.dll

You should then see a message box pop up saying: "DLLRegisterServer in RoboFTPAutomation.dll succeeded."

Article last updated: 2021-03-30