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Managing disk space used by the Robo-FTP Enterprise Framework

Note: This article was written for Robo-FTP 3.11.

There are two main sources of files generated by Robo-FTP that have the potential to use a large amount of hard drive space:

  • Logs and debug data
  • Files archived by the Framework

You can manage the amount of storage used by Robo-FTP by limiting the amount of logging, debug, and job data retained by Robo-FTP. You will have to balance the need to conserve disk space against your organization’s data retention requirements.

Logging and Debug Data

You can control the amount of logging and debug data retained by Robo-FTP from the Logging tab in the Configurator. In particular, having “Extra Debug Data” enabled tends to generate very large log files.

It is recommended to enable this option only when directed to do so by Technical Support to troubleshoot a specific issue.

See Debug Logging for details.

It is also possible to generate log files from Robo-FTP scripts. You will need to manage the retention of such log files directly. See the LOG and TRACELOG commands in the Help file for details. The Robo-FTP Enterprise Framework does not generate logs this way, so you only need to consider this if you are running your own scripts in addition to Framework jobs.


By default, the Robo-FTP Enterprise Framework maintains copies of all files used to run jobs, including intermediate files. It also generates logs for each run of each job.

You can control the amount of data retained by the Framework from the Settings tab in the Robo-FTP Enterprise Framework web interface.

You can also disable the archiving of files by steps that import/create files. This must be done for each step in each job by disabling the “Archive Files” option. Note that some steps will not have this option as those steps do not create/import any files in the file set for that job.

See Framework Settings for details.

Note that you should not use Windows Explorer to determine how much disk space is being use by the Framework as it will report an incorrect total that is higher than the real amount of space being used. See KB398 for details.

Article last updated: 2021-12-07

Tags: Robo-FTP, framework, Logging