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What sort of things are Server Event Scripts used for?
Server Event Scripts are highly versatile, and could be put to some creative applications. Some common applications would be:
When a user uploads a file, check to see if it is encrypted; if so, automatically decrypt it and save a decrypted copy of the file to a local directory.
Send an email (or SMS text) alert when a specific file is uploaded.
Back up a user's files after that user logs off.
When a user logs in, copy the most recent version of a local file, zipped and encrypted, into their home directory.
Launch an external executable or database job and pass in the name of a newly uploaded file.
Hide or delete a file after it has been downloaded a specific number of times.
See also:
Built-in variables used by Server Event Scripts
Article last updated: 2021-12-02
Tags: Robo-FTP Server, Server Event Scripts