Script Library

Sample scripts are provided as-is with no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. These scripts are solely intended to demonstrate techniques for accomplishing common tasks. Additional script logic and error-handling may need to be added to achieve the desired results in your specific environment.



This script monitors an FTP server and sends an email if it is not accepting connections. Many cell-phone providers provide SMS text to email gateway servers that you can use to send a text message if the server is down. The outbound email configuration for "mail.local", including Server, Port, Protocol, From, and To are all set in the Outbound E-Mail section of the Configurator.

  1  SET mail_server = "mail.local"
  2  SET connected = "n/a" 
  3  FTPLOGON "" /user="UserID" /pw="secret"
  4  IFERROR GOTO send_email
  5  SET connected = %datetime
  6  GOTO done 
  7  :send_email
  8  ;; If we reached this line we had max failures per cycle
  9  SET email_subject = "FTP site unreachable."
 10  SET email_body = "Robo-FTP has been unable to connect to the FTP site for at least 10 minutes.  "
 11  SET email_body = email_body + %crlf + %crlf + "Last successful connection: " + connected 
 12  EMAIL email_body /subject=email_subject /server=mail_server
 13  :done
 14  ;; Wait one hour (3600 seconds) between cycles
 15  PAUSE /for=3600
 16  GOTO start

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