Script Library

Sample scripts are provided as-is with no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. These scripts are solely intended to demonstrate techniques for accomplishing common tasks. Additional script logic and error-handling may need to be added to achieve the desired results in your specific environment.



Really Simple Syndication, or as it is more commonly known, RSS, is a web format for publishing a feed of information that is regularly updated. RSS clients (like Firefox, Outlook, Google Reader, etc.) can subscribe to that feed and receive these regular updates.

A common use of Robo-FTP is to upload media files to a web site. You can also use Robo-FTP to update an RSS feed with information about the uploaded files.

This example uploads .mpg files to a web server and updates a related RSS feed with information about the uploaded files.

NOTE: This script sample does not display 100% correctly in a browser because it contains what the browser interprets as html tags (which are really xml tags we are updating with the script). Click the Download link to view the sample in the Robo-FTP script editor to see the complete script.

  1  workingdir "C:\path\to\files"
  2  archivedir "C:\archive\path"
  3  :top
  4  getnextfile "*.mpg" /oldest

  5  iferror return $ERROR_SUCCESS
  6  ftplogon "my_web_site"
  7  sendfile %nextfile /archive 
  9  ***********************
 10  * Update the RSS feed *
 11  ***********************
 12  SET filedatetime = %nextfiledatetime
 13  DATETIMESUB filedatetime 5 /hour ;; Get time in GMT
 14  ;; need to convert Sat Feb 17 11.00.22 2001 format to Mon, 21 Sep 2009 13:00:00 GMT format
 15  SETLEFT DDD = filedatetime 3
 16  SETMID MMM = filedatetime 3 5
 17  SETMID dd = filedatetime 2 9
 18  SETMID hh = filedatetime 2 12
 19  SETMID mm = filedatetime 2 15
 20  SETMID ss = filedatetime 2 18
 21  SETRIGHT YYYY = filedatetime 4
 22  SET day_date = DDD + ', ' + dd + ' '
 23  SET month_year = MMM + ' ' + YYYY + ' '
 24  SET hhmm = hh + ':' + mm + ':'
 25  SET ssGMT = ss + ' GMT'
 26  SET timestamp = day_date + month_year + hhmm + ssGMT
 28  * Keep a local copy of the RSS feed without the last two lines
 29  SET rss_file = "c:\rss\incomplete_rss_file.xml"
 30  SET complete_rss_file = "c:\rss\rss.xml"
 31  WRITEFILE rss_file '' /append 
 32  SET title = '' + %nextfile + ''
 33  WRITEFILE rss_file title /append 
 34  SET description = '' + %nextfile + ''
 35  WRITEFILE rss_file description /append 
 36  SET pubdate = '' + timestamp + ''
 37  WRITEFILE rss_file pubdate /append 
 38  SET enclosure = '1" type="video/mpeg" />'
 39  WRITEFILE rss_file enclosure /append 
 40  SET guid = '' + %nextfile + ''
 41  WRITEFILE rss_file guid /append 
 42  WRITEFILE rss_file '' /append 
 44  COPY rss_file complete_rss_file
 45  WRITEFILE complete_rss_file '' /append 
 46  WRITEFILE complete_rss_file '' /append 
 47  * Upload the updated RSS file *
 48  SENDFILE complete_rss_file
 51  * loop back to the top to see if there are more files to send *
 52  goto top

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