Change Log for Robo-FTP Server v3.3.0 (Released: 2012-08-21)
- Added HTTP DAV support
- Server event script processing is now asynchronous
- Server autoconfiguration checks port availability and enables services on all available ports
- Allow limiting supported encryption ciphers to FIPS 140-2 certified algorithms
- %event_downloadfilesize and %event_uploadfilesize added to upload and download events
- Added FileDeleted and FileRenamed events
- Log files can now be rotated daily instead of at a specified size
- %event_logonremoteip is now available in all events
- %event_logonprotocol is now available in all events
- User accounts can be set up to expire at a specified date
- Server console now allows disabling FTP protocol commands and removing them from the FEAT response
- Removed remote server commands
- %event_
filesize and %event_ filedatetime for delete, rename, download, and upload events. - POST support added for browser based file uploads
- Added HTML template for custom directory listing pages in HTTP mode
- Added variables for new local file, folder, and path to rename event.
- Installing service as a user replaces "." with the NetBIOS machine name (using "." caused broken install)
Bug Fixes
- Disconnect button disabled on clients online page
- Disconnecing a user from the UI could cause the server to crash
- Completing a signing request in Robo-FTP resulted in unusable certificate
- User accounts and virtual folders could be lost when upgrading from older versions
- LOG /new could write to the same file as another process if they happened in the same second