Change Log for Robo-FTP v3.7.7 (Released: 2010-11-29)
- Dashboard service setup form sets input control focus when field validation fails
Bug Fixes
- FTPTOJES command would cause file transfers to hang
- Handle leak in RoboStartSession COM interface method
- Licensing dialogs not all supressed when running as service or through COM
- Console input was limited to 260 characters per line
- Dashboard service configuration did not match that of service installer
- Problem parsing directory listings from GXS Discover
- Using Start All from Dashboard could start some services configured to run as users as local system
- Error 1094 returned from RoboSendCommand when command is longer than 260 characters
- %ftplastresult is empty so FTPSETERROR doesn't work
- file specified by %ftpresultsfile is empty
- GETSITEFILE fails to find file with ; in filename
- Dashboard NATO field validation problems
- Unhandled exception in Dashboard grid cell doubleclick event handler function