Change Log for Robo-FTP v3.6.11 (Released: 2009-02-19)
- multiline responses are now written to the trace log in their entirity
- PGP implementation now correctly handles CAST5 symmetrically encrypted files
- added support for XFTP server's directory format
- SENDMAIL now writes the smtp transcript to the trace log even upon an apparent success
Bug Fixes
- crash from exiting main window before exiting applet
- anonymous logins could fail because the email address provided in the configurator could not be decrypted
- possible logging error in HTTP stack when there were no cookies
- configurator and dashboard could not be run at the same time
- HTTP wouldn't allow ? characters to be used in request uri
- HTTP only returned the first cookie received in responses in the following requests
- IFDATETIME and IFDATE were not working when default comparing to %sitefiledatetime
- SENDMAIL would issue a STARTSSL even if the server didn't advertise it. On some buggy servers this caused undefined behavior
- AS400 directory parsing could mix up month and day
- applet did not correctly handle losing focus
- IBM Host features could cause FTPCD to hang
- standard unix directory listings that printed the month in all lower case were not handled correctly