Change Log

Change Log for Robo-FTP Server v3.5.0 (Released: 2019-02-27)

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  • Update script processor to Robo-FTP 3.11
  • (Critical Security Fix)Add support for ECDSA NistP server keys and key exchange
  • (Critical Security Fix)OpenSSL upgraded to 1.0.2q
  • (Critical Security Fix)New and improved SSH backend for more robust SFTP Server
  • Clients Online shows username logged into a group instead of the group name
  • Enterprise ConfigSync no longer has to restart the config slave when pushing the configuration
  • HTML Upload widget PGP encrypt file on client side during upload using per user PGP public key
  • Sharing permission allowing users to share specific sub-directories via access token URL

Bug Fixes

  • The greeting is returned in response to successful authentication by all server types
  • SSH Server Keys path textboxes accepted input while server was running
  • Allow secured connections only in Server Console broke HTTPS authentication
  • The ConfigSync slave GUID showed up as a user account in the users list
  • Query strings from HTTP requests stripped from resource names