Change Log

Change Log for Robo-FTP Server v3.1.0 (Released: 2006-12-08)

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  • Added Server Event Scripts; allows the administrator to set a wide range of tasks to be completed after certain actions by a user via highly versatile Robo-FTP scripting.
  • Added the ability to run as a service.
  • Increased SSL functionality; creating an SSL certificate now also generates a certificate authentication request.
  • Increased SFTP functionality to include public key authentication.
  • Added virtual folders, so the administrator can give users access to select folders on disk.
  • Added an option to include the FTP protocol commands to the log files.
  • Added warnings about losing data when changing screens without committing changes

Bug Fixes

  • Changed wording from "Unload Robo-FTP Server" to "Exit Robo-FTP Server" when exiting Robo-FTP Server.
  • Fixed a bug in which the default starting folder when searching for files was Robo-FTP and not Robo-FTP Server.
  • Fixed a bug in which new text was added to the logging window and the window was returning to the top of the log rather than scrolling down.
  • Added the Robo-FTP Server icon to the logging window, replacing the generic white box.
  • Fixed a bug in which the SFTP logging window was reappearing when changes were made to the logging and the commit button was clicked.
  • Renamed the "Allow FTP+SSL only" option to "Implicit FTP+SSL."
  • Fixed a bug when creating an SSL certificate that caused an error message to appear which stated that the certificate path was empty and changes were discarded. This bug also caused the administrator to have to re-check the "use FTP and SSL" box before committing.
  • Fixed a bug which was causing all SFTP logons to fail.
  • Fixed a bug where, when selecting the RSA key for the server keys tab, the user had to click on the DSA radio button to make the commit button appear.
  • Fixed a bug in which creating a DSA key was not warning about over-writing an existing key, the way it did with RSA keys.
  • Set the default file name when saving the RSA and DSA keys to Robo-FTP Server.dsa or Robo-FTP Server.rsa, rather than *.dsa or *.rsa.
  • Fixed a bug in which the server was not saving user profiles until the program was closed, rather than saving them when changes were committed.
  • Fixed a bug in which setting a client account to "anonymous user account" would generate a password error.
  • Fixed a bug in which the domain specified was not written to the INI file.
  • Fixed a bug in which the verify box was not enabled when changing a user's password.
  • Fixed a bug in which changing a users password or root directory caused the error message "no ftp password specified" to appear.
  • Fixed a bug in which the count of the number of users was increased even if the log in failed for some reason.
  • Fixed a bug in which users logged in with SFTP were not able to view the virtual folders.
  • Fixed a bug where IP addresses were added for restricted access, but they were not being displayed later, so they could not be removed.
  • Fixed a bug in which new lines were written to existing log files, but if no log file was present, it was not creating one.