Change Log

Change Log for Robo-FTP v3.8.0 (Released: 2012-04-11)

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  • Increase the maximum number of characters read by READFILE from 256 to max variable length (4096)
  • Added transactions to functions with output file
  • When dashboard connects to a service, the service now reissues the last dashboard message
  • GETSITEFILE listing delay changed from 1 second to 5 seconds
  • Added %currentscript and %currentscriptdir variables
  • When running as noninteractive service STOP now results in EXIT
  • Recursion max depth changed from 16 to 512
  • Added scoping for user-defined function and call arguments
  • Added /argnames option to CALL so &var=val& can be used to specify scoped variables for a call
  • READFILE reads any data found after the last term_seq as the last record
  • Added /record=last to READFILE which reads the last record in the file and sets %recordcount
  • SETNUM trims leading and trailing spaces before parsing numeric value
  • Added /backups=# option to log and tracelog commands default is 1, only works with /maxsize option
  • DBQUERY and DBGETRESULTS can now handle large text fields as long as the data returned is less than 4096 bytes
  • Added WEBBROWSER command. URI can be incomplete url if currently connected. Uses cookies from current http connection.
  • SYNC /skip= causes all changes to be ignored from the specified location. both is no longer valid for /skip.
  • Support for arrays added using [] syntax.
  • Settings export now includes all the configuration files as well as the registry configuration.
  • SSH Keys and SSL Client Certificates are now imported into a store managed by Robo-FTP.
  • Default save location for Robo-EDIT, CronMaker, and ScriptWiz is now under the settings exportable data directory.
  • Dedicated debug logging controlled from the configurator, Ideal for getting logs to send to support.
  • Added search path functionality when using filename arguments to script commands.
  • Settings importer expanded to support importing from Robo-FTP 3.7
  • Added support for the FTP USER/ACCT transparent proxy. /proxytype=ftpacct
  • SETNUM now supports the modulo operator %
  • SYNC command altered so default is /localtime for uploaded files and /servertime for downloaded files
  • SSL certificate export now asks if you want to export the private key with the certificate.
  • Encrypt files with multiple public keys for multiple recipients.
  • Added KEYS command to get the string keys for an array[*]
  • Added SETEVENT command to set the state of an existing win32 event handle to signaled

Bug Fixes

  • Robo-EDIT.exe failed to load on startup
  • Robo-FTP service exit now detected by service manager
  • cd, chdir, and workingdir don't behave. path generation is now much more carfully managed. Preventing a workingdir like C:\/\.*
  • FTPCD hangs when connected to GXS messaging server
  • FTPCMD returns error on success when changing "get option" on IBM server
  • Problem parsing date from directory listing
  • Export PGP secret key did not export signatures so some programs could not import it
  • FTPGETFILE could loop back to the first file when a timeout was specified
  • "." as allowed path element for GXS
  • HTTP server html response could be misinterpreted as an MLSD listing causing Robo-FTP to crash.
  • CRON failed to indentify end of febuary correctly.
  • CRON gets next scheduled run time wrong, but returns at the right time.
  • CRON scheduled itself for a day that didn't exist for the current month.
  • CRON misinterprets 6-16 in the hour field to mean it should run at 6 PM (hour 18).
  • CRON fails to execute scheduled events whose scheduled time overlapped.
  • No red error shown when DIFF or FTPDIFF is cancelled.
  • GETSITEFILE /timeout=0 times out instantly.
  • Comments in options such as /pw=ftp*help were misidentified as a comment
  • /clientcert= can be used to specify a client cert from the FTPLOGON command line
  • The account ftp setting was being ignored for servers that required it
  • Grant LOGON AS A SERVICE right to user when installing a service
  • Client applet crashes on HTTP and HTTPS connections.
  • Logon after timeout results in next command attempting to CWD to last connections remote working directory.
  • Settings exported from 3.8 result in "Incorrect Function" when importing.
  • Functions without RETURN statement return $ERROR_SCRIPT_EOF.
  • Intro script download fails (ScriptIntro.s)
  • Removed or expired license could result in hangs and timeouts when running as a service
  • SSL Client certificate imported from prior version could not be used
  • Could not delete SSL certificate signing requests
  • FTPSETERROR could crash Robo-FTP if no FTP protocol results have been read.
  • Importing from prior version user scope could cause an exception if installation directory was in admin scope
  • Import settings file dialog in Robo-FTP.exe did not show .set files from older versions by default
  • AS/400 FLR and LIB collections correctly identified as directories
  • FTPLIST did not indicate when the server returned a failure code
  • Robo-FTP evaluation license creation failed if installing in a UAC environment
  • PROMPT command would only accept 4 options, 5 are possible
  • ASK and MESSAGEBOX could not accept all possible arguments
  • ! or @ output suppression characters would cause Robo-EDIT to not make following comments green
  • FTP client applet Logon button did not use defined sites for logon
  • Execute script from the ui could fail when executing a shorter script name than a priorly executed script.
  • Script Wizard only worked when running as an administrator
  • SYNC command could transfer files unnecessarily when remote server didn't return file times with seconds
  • ZIP to verbose with strange error and warning messages.
  • Transaction finalization fails when server removes file upon download.
  • Configurator Logging changes warning shown when no changes were made.
  • Connection timeout could unexpectedly get set at 1 second.
  • Cached directory listings now removed at logout
  • Could not export debug log when Robo-FTP was running
  • Remote time could be incorrectly parsed by SYNC and SENDFILE /ifnewer
  • /ap options requires using /append option as well
  • sending or receiving files with the client applet times out with 1 second of innactivity
  • Syncing with multiple servers from the same local path retransfers all files every time
  • Removed license causes strange behavior when running without administrative privileges
  • Rename button in the Client Applet did not ask for new filename
  • Sessionlog secure warning shown twice on startup.
  • LOG /new and /maxsize results issues warning that /maxsize is not supported with /new
  • Could not change default SSH key
  • Could not change default SSL client certificate
  • Some file timestamps would be incorrectly adjusted for daylight savings time
  • SENDFILE with both the /as and /append option would not append.
  • SENDFILE with both /as and /archive options renames the archived file to the /as filename