; We can execute a VBScript file by running the Miscrosoft scripting host and ; passing the path to our VBScript as a command line parameter. We can also ; pass additional parameters from Robo-FTP into the VBScript. Then our ; VBScript can return a single numeric value as its exit code. ; Please verify these paths on your system: SET ScriptingHost_Path = '"c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe"' ; Above path should be c:\windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe on 64-bit systems SET VBScript_Path = '"C:\path\to\my\vbscript.vbs"' ; Call VBScript EXEC ScriptingHost_Path /passargs VBScript_Path ; Call VBScript with additional parameters EXEC ScriptingHost_Path /passargs VBScript_Path 1 "five" ; Call VBScript using Robo-FTP script variables instead of numeric constants SETNUM min = 5 SETNUM max = 10 EXEC ScriptingHost_Path /passargs VBScript_Path min max ; If VBScript sets custom exit code, Robo-FTP stores that value for use in your script DISPLAY %lasterror EXIT